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<% a=Request.QueryString("a") if a="ins" then '------------------------------ E-mail 2 User ------------------------------------- set objMail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.Body="Dear user," _ & "\n\nYou have done an hosting order at UkrainianHosting.com." _ & "\n\nYour OS: " & Request.Form("os") _ & "\nYour Hosting plan: " & Request.Form("plan") _ & "\nYour Payment method: " & Request.Form("method") _ & "\nYour Payment period: " & Request.Form("period") _ & "\n\nYour E-mail: " & Request.Form("email") _ & "\n\nOur contacter will communicate you within 12 hours or less." _ & "\n\nIn case you're getting this mail by a mistake, and you have never sent order to anything called UkrainianHosting.com, sorry for inconvience!" objMail.Subject="Hosting plan order :: UkrainianHosting.com" objMail.From="order@ukrainianhosting.com" objMail.Importance=1 objMail.Send Request.Form("email") '------------------------------ E-mail 2 Me ------------------------------------- set objMail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.Body="You have an hosting order at UkrainianHosting.com." _ & "\n\nOS: " & Request.Form("os") _ & "\nHosting plan: " & Request.Form("plan") _ & "\nPayment method: " & Request.Form("method") _ & "\nPayment period: " & Request.Form("period") _ & "\n\nE-mail: " & Request.Form("email") _ & "\nPhone: " & Request.Form("phone") _ & "\nFull name: " & Request.Form("full_name") _ & "\nAddress: " & Request.Form("address") _ & "\nCity: " & Request.Form("city") _ & "\nCountry: " & Request.Form("country") _ & "\nZip: " & Request.Form("zip") objMail.Subject="Hosting plan order :: UkrainianHosting.com" objMail.From="order@ukrainianhosting.com" objMail.Importance=1 objMail.Send "mike@solidlabs.com" '------------------------------ E-mail 2 Me Copy ------------------------------------- set objMail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") objMail.Body="You have an hosting order at UkrainianHosting.com." _ & "\n\nOS: " & Request.Form("os") _ & "\nHosting plan: " & Request.Form("plan") _ & "\nPayment method: " & Request.Form("method") _ & "\nPayment period: " & Request.Form("period") _ & "\n\nE-mail: " & Request.Form("email") _ & "\nPhone: " & Request.Form("phone") _ & "\nFull name: " & Request.Form("full_name") _ & "\nAddress: " & Request.Form("address") _ & "\nCity: " & Request.Form("city") _ & "\nCountry: " & Request.Form("country") _ & "\nZip: " & Request.Form("zip") objMail.Subject="Hosting plan order :: UkrainianHosting.com" objMail.From="order@ukrainianhosting.com" objMail.Importance=1 objMail.Send "mike@program-design.com" a="" %>

Your form was processed successfully!

Hosting order parameters were sent to you on the specified E-mail address. Our contacter will communicate you within 12 hours or less.

<% else a="ins" %>

Please completely fill the form below and hit "Send" when you're finished. Our contacter will communicate you within 12 hours or less.

Please send all order questions to :: order@ukrainianhosting.com.

?a=<%=a%>" name=frm onSubmit="return checkRegistrationForm(1);"> <% fnRow "Server OS:","os","sel",arrayOSs,"",1 fnRow "Hosting plan:","plan","sel",arrayPlans,"",1 fnRow "Payment method:","method","sel",arrayPayments,"",1 fnRow "Payment period:","period","sel",arrayPeriods,"",1 fnRow "Your e-mail:","email","","","",1 fnRow "Phone:","phone","","","","" fnRow "Full name:","full_name","","","","" fnRow "Address:","address","","","","" fnRow "City:","city","","","","" fnRow "Country:","country","sel",arrayCountries,"","" fnRow "Zip:","zip","","","","" %>

All * information on this form in mandatory and must be filled out.

<% end if %>
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